Specialized Care
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Our caregivers in senior care have the knowledge and experience to help seniors in various situations.
Harmony Haven, is a senior care company that focuses on helping people stay independent in their homes. We recognize that to preserve their health and live their best lives, your senior relative may require assistance from time to time. Our caregivers assist your loved ones with everyday tasks, obligations, and other necessities that keep them at home, comfortable, happy, and healthy.Â
Care Plans Tailored to the Specific Needs of Your Loved One:
24-Hour Care
Long-term care facilities are not required for those who need 24-hour care. Harmony Haven, fortunately, provides 24-hour senior care, allowing your loved one to remain at home while receiving necessary support. Our caring caregivers are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to make your loved ones' lives easier. In addition, we build relationships, assist with daily duties, and give in-home care and support to keep your elderly relative from becoming overwhelmed with daily responsibilities.
Alzheimer's and Dementia Care
Our senior care staff receives specialized training to support families with loved ones suffering from Alzheimer's or dementia. We spend extra time with Dementia patients at home to ensure they receive the best possible treatment by sticking to a consistent schedule. It is critical to provide care at your loved one's home for their health; with our services, they receive care in their familiar home rather than a hospital or care facility, which can cause anxiety and lead to more severe consequences. We believe that your loved one deserves to be looked after, and what better location to do it than in their own home?
End-of-Life Care
Our caring caregivers can help you and your family make the most of your time together. Your loved one will benefit from our senior care services as they near the end of their lives by making daily life more relaxed and comfortable for them. We are here to support families in dealing with the grief of a loved one, no matter how difficult the situation may be. We encourage families to spend time together during difficult times because it develops an unbreakable bond and a reliable support system. We are always there to help and console bereaved family members, regardless of the time of day or night.
In-Facility Care
In addition to offering services in our clients' homes, we assist individuals who dwell in care facilities. We can help your senior loved one in whatever institution they are admitted to if they require further assistance. Individuals are entitled to the treatment they need to live a healthy lifestyle, regardless of where they live. Our caregivers can come to their house and deliver industry-leading home care services, ensuring they have the help they need to live independently within the care facility.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Should I Consider In-Home Care?
In home care keeps the patient at home in familiar surroundings. The comfort of "home" makes patients feel safe along with the added benefit of decreased contraction of infections normally associated with hospital or nursing home settings. Home care promotes on-going independence for all patients. We strive to enrich your life by preserving your independence and treating you with compassion. At Harmony Haven - our nurses and home health aides work together to provide exceptional home care services while keeping your provider and family aware of your progress. Our home healthcare team strives to keep you or your family member independent and functioning- on your own, in your home.
When Should I Consider In-Home Care?
When loved ones are at an age or stage of needing more help than they will sometimes admit, or than your family is able to provide, that's where we step in. Issues that may indicate a need for home care assistance include: - Your loved one has trouble getting dressed or fastening clothing - Toileting and bathing present complications for your loved one - They are unable to prepare meals or need frequent assistance - Nutritional needs are not being met due to problems with eating - Medications are sometimes missed or forgotten - Walking requires assistance or frequent falls occur - Household chores are being ignored or present difficulty - A pre-existing or new diagnosis require on-going medical attention
Are Patient Families Involved In The Process?
We provide home healthcare based on the client's medical, personal and situational needs. The client and family are included in all steps of creating the plan of care, and are encouraged to let staff know when changes occur so that the plan may be updated to meet the client's current needs. Harmony Haven staff will also notify other care providers of the changes.